Tackling global challenges with local solutions

In a world facing the pressing challenges of climate change and resource scarcity, renewable fuels are more crucial than ever. We’re taking action in our contribution to a cleaner low-carbon future for our planet.

a road next to a river, aerial view North of Prince George

We advance global sustainability by aligning our actions with UN SDG targets, creating meaningful progress toward worldwide development goals.

Overhead shot of transport ship
Affordable & clean energy

We provide renewable biofuels, transitioning hard-to-abate transportation sectors to a low-carbon future. Our solutions ensure affordable, reliable, and sustainable resource access for all.

A man in a hard hat looks at the camera
Decent work & economic growth

We foster inclusive economic growth by creating productive employment opportunities. Our operations promote decent work and contribute to sustainable development in our communities.

Two people fasten a gauge at the Arbios Chuntoh Ghuna facility
Industry, innovation & infrastructure

We’re building the world’s largest HTL facility, Chuntoh Ghuna. We demonstrate that innovative, low-carbon alternatives are possible, and foster resilient infrastructure.

man standing outside Arbios office with orange UNBC shirt
Reduced inequalities

We value diversity in our team and humbly work alongside Indigenous communities. Our partnerships reduce inequalities and promote inclusive growth.

a large ship in the water outside of Vancouver British Columbia
Sustainable cities & communities

We implement circular economy solutions in our operations and products. Our renewable bio-oil helps replace fossil fuels in many sectors.

A man walks toward a feedstock pile at the Arbios Chuntoh Ghuna facility
Responsible consumption & production

We turn underutilized forest residues into sustainable solutions that help reduce transportation sector carbon emissions, following responsible production practices.

Polar ice caps melting in the arctic
Climate action

We’re taking urgent action against climate change impacts by producing the intermediate for the production of low carbon renewable biofuels.

Overhead shot of trees
Life on land

We plan to utilize underutilized forest residues like slash and thinnings to help protect against wildfires. Working with the Lheidli T’enneh Nation, we source residues from sustainably managed forests. Before construction, we conducted a joint environmental due diligence to protect the Nation’s values and our shared environmental priorities.

Transformative energy solutions: The bio-resource advantage

Our HTL bio-oil intermediate demonstrates how circular economy principles can surpass traditional sustainability goals. By offering a renewable alternative to crude oil, we’re creating cascading environmental benefits through resource regeneration and circular processing.

Comparative aspectTraditional fossil fuelsRenewable HTL bio-oil
SourceNon-renewable, finiteRenewable biomass
SustainabilityUnsustainable extractionPart of the circular economy
Carbon footprintHigh carbon emissionsMore carbon-neutral
Environmental ImpactHigher impact from extractionLower impact from production
Production timeMillions of yearsHours to days
Market potentialEstablished but declining over environmental concernsGrowing market for sustainable alternatives
Energy densityHigherGenerally lower, but for improving with tech
ConsistancyMore consistentVariable depending on feedstock
Compatibility with existing infrastructureFully compatibleMixable with traditional fuels, supporting gradual transition

A win for safety, economy, and environment

Economic revitalization
Environmental conservation
Circular economy promotion
Fire prevention and forest management