What skills have been most valuable to your growth and success at Arbios?
Planning and organization have been essential, especially when it comes to orchestrating company and community events to create memorable experiences (my not-so-secret passion!). Adaptability has also been key—whether it’s heading up to Prince George on short notice or tackling projects that others say are impossible. Side note: I secretly love it when someone says something is impossible! I believe everything is ‘figure-out-able,’ and I’m always up for the challenge. As I’m based in Vancouver, Prince George may not be home, but I’m game for a bit of rugged adventure. If you like the outdoors, Prince George has a lot to offer. As long as I’m driving a pickup truck and get to wear my outdoor gear, I’m in!.
What energizes you most about your work with Arbios?
Beyond my dog keeping me on my toes, it’s definitely my teammates who bring the most energy to my work. I love hearing stories from colleagues whose pets are also their ‘supervisors’—it’s nice knowing I’m not the only one! As Arbios’s ‘oldest employee’ (having been here since day one), it’s been incredible to watch our team grow and see our culture truly come to life. There are some genuinely wonderful people here, and their commitment to our mission is contagious. Hearing the passion and excitement from our founders only adds to that energy. Planning events—whether it’s a big celebration or a simple coffee chat—keeps me happy and motivated. Building connections and fostering genuine relationships has been one of the greatest joys of my journey with Arbios.
What excites you most about the future of sustainable biotechnology?
The future of sustainable biotech feels like a magical blend of science, innovation, and nature conservation—it’s truly captivating. I’m especially excited about the potential for renewable energy and eco-friendly technologies that will make a real difference. Our relationship with the Lheidli T’enneh First Nations has deepened my appreciation for the environment and the importance of respecting and protecting the land. Their dedication to preserving nature is inspiring, and it’s clear why they support Arbios so strongly.
Sharing our progress with stakeholders and inspiring them with what’s next is one of my favorite parts of the job. I genuinely believe we’re on the brink of breakthroughs that could change everything. I suspect our owners might be cautiously optimistic about our impact, but they’ll soon see us as an essential part of their future—a showcase for sustainable solutions.