
Air Density Separator (ADS)
An Air Density Separator separates heavier density materials such as stones and metal objects from the stream of material entering a material sizing process or grinder. Advanced Recycling—Licella’s Cat-HTR™ technology enables recycling of carbon from polymeric residues which serve as feedstock. Polymeric feedstocks might be biogenic (forestry residues, agricultural residues etc.) or synthetic (mixed end-of-life plastics) in origin. Advanced recycling is also known as feedstock recycling, molecular recycling, and chemical recycling. Advanced recycling when applied to plastics is the chemical or thermal conversion of large carbon-based molecules into their original, smaller building blocks. When applied to biomass it is the conversion of bio-based polymers into smaller products useful to the refining and petrochemical industries.  
Bagasse, sometimes known as sugarcane pulp or megass, is the fibre remaining after the juice is extracted from sugarcane. In the past the term was used more broadly to include beets and sisal however in modern use it is limited exclusively to the by-product of sugarcane.  
Bubbling fluidised bed reactor
One barrel of crude oil (BBL) is 42 US gallons. Oil companies listed on American stock exchanges typically report production in terms of volume and use the units BBL (Kimray 2022).
Bio-naphtha, also known as renewable naphtha, is contained within the Cat-HTR™ biocrude product. It contains hydrocarbons that have between 5 and 8 carbons. It is used as a feedstock intermediate in the production of renewable plastics.
Biocrude is the initial lower-oxygen containing liquid produced by the Cat-HTR™ process when biomass is the carbon-based feedstock.
Biomass is biogenic material that comes from plants and animals. The term is usually used to refer to solid plant and organic material. In the case of the Cat-HTR™ process, biomass is a feedstock that is converted to biocrude.
C cycle
C cycle is sometimes used to mean carbon cycle.
Carbon cycle
Carbon is the foundation for all life on Earth. The carbon cycle is nature’s way of recycling carbon atoms. It is the process by which carbon compounds are interconverted in the environment, involving the incorporation of carbon dioxide into living tissue by photosynthesis and its return to the atmosphere through respiration, the decay of dead organisms, and the burning of fossil fuels.
Carbon Intensity
Carbon intensity refers to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions produced per unit of energy or activity. The carbon intensity of fuel is usually measured in grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule (gCO₂e/MJ).
Cat-HTR™ is the abbreviation of Catalytic Hydrothermal Reactor, Licella’s patented hydrothermal liquefaction technology platform.
Chuntoh Ghuna Prince George.
Char is the carbonaceous solid residue remaining from conversion of plastics or biomass.
Chemical recycling
Refer to advanced recycling.
Chuntoh Ghuna
The name of the facility in construction by Arbios in Prince George, Canada due to be operational in Q1 2024.  Also known internally as CS-2.  The name was given by the local Indigenous Community, the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation in August 2022, and means “the Forest Lives”.
B.C. Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy is an independent, not-for-profit corporation that helps fund the commercial development and scaling of made-in-B.C. clean energy solutions.
Circular economy
The circular economy principle aims to better use resources, close loops of resource flows by recovering as much as possible and prevent waste and pollution through better design. The emphasis is placed on shifting the way we extract, make, use and repurpose the material in our products to ensure emissions are reduced and resources are efficiently used and kept in circulation as long as possible.
Commercial Stage 1, or CS-1, is Licella’s name for the Cat-HTR™ small-scale commercial facility, run in short run campaigns for process development purposes located in Somersby NSW, and commissioned in 2021.
Commercial Stage 2, or CS-2, is Licella’s name for the Cat-HTR™ full-scale commercial facility in construction by Mura at Wilton UK due to be operational in Q4 2023 and the Arbios Chutoh Ghuna facility in Prince George, Canada due to be operational in 2024.
Decarbonisation refers to the process of reducing the amount of net new carbon emitted in the economy. Reducing ‘carbon intensity’ refers to lowering the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Generally, this involves decreasing CO2 output per unit of energy generated.
Depolymerisation refers to the chemical process to convert a large molecule into a smaller molecule. This type of process underpins hydrothermal liquefaction, enabling the Cat-HTR™ process to achieve advanced recycling.
The Chuntoh Ghuna Environmental Impact Statement is a result of the voluntary joint environmental due diligence process conducted by Arbios Biotech and the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation.
Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is the conversion process used in petroleum refineries to convert the high-boiling point, high-molecular weight hydrocarbon fractions of crude oils into gasoline, olefinic gases and other petroleum products.
Front End Engineering Design (FEED) is an engineering design approach used to identify technical requirements and main costs for a proposed project, used by design/build engineering organisations. The FEED typically comes after the Concept Design or feasibility study is completed and followed by a Detailed Design.
Feedstock refers to the raw material to supply or fuel an industrial process. In the case of the Cat-HTR™ process, it is the material fed into the front-end of the process that gets converted into a bio-oil.
Feedstock Recycling
Refer to advanced recycling. 
Front-end loading (FEL) is the conceptual development process of projects into processing industries and is commonly divided into 3 stages: FEL-1, FEL-2, and FEL-3 (also called FEED). In FEL-1 the deliverable is an engineering study conducted to a +/-50% cost level based upon a given scope and answers the question ‘What are my options to achieve my project goals?’.  
Final Investment Decision (FID).
GHG absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range, causing the greenhouse effect. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and ozone (O3).
Hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVO)
HVO is a large market focused on adapting refinery technology to liquid fats and oils as feedstock.  This process technology is straightforward involving essentially two steps: oxygen removal by hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) followed by isomerization to improve cold flow properties.
Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL)
HTL is a depolymerisation process that utilises water under moderate temperatures (200-400°C) and high pressures (10-25MPa) to convert large carbon-based molecules, like plastic and biomass, into high energy density and smaller molecules. It is referred to as the ‘next-generation’ of advanced recycling and is the governing process for Licella’s Cat-HTR™.
Sometimes synonymous to ‘waste to energy’, incineration is a thermal treatment process that uses the combustion (burning) of waste to reduce the volume of waste to landfill, whilst generating recoverable energy.
International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) is a global sustainability certification system and covers all sustainable feedstocks, including forestry, biomass, circular and bio-based materials, and renewables.
Life cycle analysis (LCA).
Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) The Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Renewable & Low Carbon Fuel Requirements) Act and the Renewable & Low Carbon Fuel Requirements Regulation, known collectively as British Columbia’s low carbon fuel standard (LCFS), was introduced to reduce the carbon intensity (CI) of fuels used in the province.  [Arbios Biotech has funding in the form of carbon credits through an Initiatives Agreement with the BC Government under the LCFS.]
Licella Holdings Limited is the global leader in hydrothermal liquefaction, the next generation of advanced recycling. Headquartered in North Sydney Australia, Licella has pioneered its patented Cat-HTR™ technology and partners with other industry leaders who share a vision for a low-carbon and sustainable future.
Linear economy
The linear economy is characterised by a take-make-waste model. We take resources from the ground to make products, which we use, and, when we no longer want them, throw them away.
Lheidli T’enneh First Nation, the Indigenous community on whose unceded territory the Chuntoh Ghuna (Arbios CS-2) facility is built.
Mass balance approach
The mass balance approach has prevailed in the chemical industry as the means of tracing the flow of materials through a complex value chain. It makes it possible to track the amount of circular and/or bio-based content in the value chain and attribute it based on verifiable bookkeeping (ISCC 2023).
Mixed ELP
Mixed ELP is a mixture of end-of-life plastics (e.g. polyethylene and polypropylene).
Molecular recycling
Refer to advanced recycling.
A monomer is a molecule that can react with other monomer molecules to form a very large molecule (polymer).
Municipal solid waste (MSW).
Mura Technology
Mura Technology is an advanced recycling company, jointly founded by Licella and Armstrong Chemicals, based in the UK. Refer to
Oven dried metric tonne (odmt), is the weight of dry material including ash content.
Offtake is a commercial agreement between parties which contracts the delivery of a product, such as biocrude, to a customer in exchange for a price that reflects the value of the material including a fraction of appropriate credits.
Olefin is a plastics precursor containing one or more double bonds that is oligo or polymerized to produce higher molecular weight homologues.  For example, ethylene (C2H4) is the simplest olefin, which may be polymerized to various grades of polyethylene.
Part 3 Agreement (now called Initiatives Agreement)
Agreement with the Province of British Columbia providing Arbios with Carbon Credits, supporting the development of the Chuntoh Ghuna facility in Prince George.  Part 3 Agreements help fuel suppliers undertake actions that are not otherwise economically viable, and that will help create future pathways for compliance with the Renewable and Low Carbon Fuel Requirements Regulation.
Physical recycling
Physical recycling is the mechanical repurposing of waste materials into secondary raw materials with no significant chemical alteration. Many materials have a finite life cycle, due to accumulating impurities, such that physical recycling merely acts as a temporary landfill diversion.
Polymers, both natural and synthetic, are created via polymerisation of repeating chains of many small molecules, known as monomers. Polymers make up many of the materials in living organisms including cellulose in trees.
Post-consumer waste
Post-consumer waste is a waste type produced by the end consumer of a material stream; that is, where the waste-producing use did not involve the production of another product. Post-consumer biomass refers to biomass material traditionally thought of as waste after a biomass product has been used.
Pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition process that utilises moderately high temperatures (500-600°C) in the absence of oxygen to convert large carbon-based molecules, like plastic and biomass, into pyrolysis oil, syngas, and char products. [this is the competing process to Hydrothermal Liquefaction]
Renewable diesel (RD) is a fuel made by a variety of processes from biogenic feedstocks including as a product of HVO using fats and oils, Fischer-Tropsch product from bio-syngas, or other processes involving conversion of solid biomass.
Refuse derived fuel (RDF).
Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. The recovery of energy from waste materials is often included in this concept. The recyclability of a material depends on its ability to reacquire the properties it had in its original state.
Rest of the world (ROW).
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
Supercritical water (SCW)
Slash is a waste product from commercial forestry: it is anything from thinnings to small branches from logged trees which is left behind on the land when wood is harvested.  Slash, which is typically not harvested due to it being uneconomical to do so,  is typically either burned in place or left to decompose.
Solid recovered fuel (SRF). However, sometimes this abbreviation might also mean specified residual fuel which is a custom blend of RDF.
Supercritical water
Supercritical water refers to water at temperatures and pressures above 373°C and 22MPa, respectively. At (and above) these conditions, the properties of the water become tunable, such that water can act as the ‘agent of change’ within Licella’s Cat-HTR™ process.
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
Sustainable aviation fuel is a range of molecules or blending components suitable for use in jet fuel. SAF is synthesised from sustainable feedstocks such as solid biomass or vegetable oils. SAF must be qualified for use in jet engines without modification by ASTM using standard protocols defined under ASTM D4054. SAF represents a significant opportunity for aviation to reduce its environmental impact.
Syngas is a mixture of CO and H2 and used as a feedstock for various downstream processes like Fisher-Tropsch.
Technology readiness levels (TRL)
Technology readiness levels are a method for understanding the technical maturity of technology during its acquisition phase. It allows engineers to use a consistent frame of reference for understanding technological evolution, regardless of their technical background (TWI Global 2022).
Small diameter trees removed from the forest for sustainable forest management.
The tops of the trees that are left in the field as this part is too small to be used as timber or for pulp.
Tonnes per annum (tpa)
Used Cooking Oils (UCO)
UCO are used cooking oils and are a special class of low-carbon intensity feedstock for HVO processes. UCO are end-of-life oils collected from restaurants etc. and used to produce SAF or renewable diesel in HVO processes.